My sisters and I competed in the Disneyland Half Marathon 2 weeks ago! By now - I am sure most have seen my sister's blog and rendition of the event - So I will make this short and sweet
Basically - all they said was true . . .we had a great day at Disneyland the day before our race (probably not the wisest of choices, but still fun) . . .we had the perfect carb-smart dinner . . .got back to our hotel early to mental prep and get a good nights rest . . . woke up on time ( 430am) and made our way to the starting line! We were ready for this to be over!
I was well trained and ready to go! We wanted to finish the race together and discussed our options the night before if "someone" decided to give up or get grumpy. I was the one OBSESSED with finishing this race in under 2 hours and took on the role as "team leader" (or maybe just bossy big sister)! I had the mile times mapped out in permanent marker on my forearm and was going to lead us to success. :) . . . Yeah . . . that was the plan at least! We wove in and out of "running traffic" like crazy, and somehow missed our first mile time by 20 seconds! I let the girls know we were "way" behind and took off . . . at mile 2 - we were still off, and by mile 3, I learned that Sharpie Permanent Markers aren't so permanent on the forearm when mixed with sweat! My anticipated mile times were now just a giant smudge mark!
By mile 5, I was dead! On any given practice day - 5 miles was basically an easy run . . .and here I was not sure how I was possibly going to complete another 8! At this point - Molly (the "someone" we expected to give up or get grumpy) was in the lead and pulling Shawn and I along. For the remainder of the race - this was basically our placement! Molly . . . .Shawna . . . .and Bonnie, as the caboose! In the end - it was Molly who had an amazing race and could have most definitely ditched her "well trained" sisters and gotten the much anticipated time! They both pulled me along, and together we crossed the finish line ( actually, I may have crossed first, oops) and finished our race at 2:09:22! My bummer time was quickly replaced with happiness knowing we were done! Oh well . . . there is always next race :)
2,749th place out of 11,643 ain't too shabby