Saturday, October 31, 2009

All Things Halloween

This year we engaged in a number of Halloween celebrations . . .

We started our celebrating with a surprise trip to Disneyland! The kids had a random weekday off school so I arranged a trip without them know where our destination was! Needless to say, they were thrilled when we arrived on Disney Way! We took Aubs good friend Jamie, who had no memories of her last trip to Disneyland. We had a long day, and tons of fun!!

The next day I hosted "Halloween" dinner club and asked everyone to arrive in costumes. I was prepared with a couple back-up costumes - sure that not everyone would follow directions, but to my surprise - all came dressed in their Halloween Holiday Best! It was a great night with friends!

And what would Halloween be without our annual trip to Bates Nut Farm?? Okay, okay. . . I am lying. Cayden informed me he had never been to the pumpkin patch. . . and searching my memory, I realized we hadnt been to Bates since he was 2. Our recent "Perfect Pumpkin Searches" have occured in those big boxes outside Home Depot and Vons!! Go ahead, call me a terrible mom! So this year, I gave in and took them to the "official Pumpkin Patch!"

My good friend Jessica decided to throw her husband a Spooktacular Halloween Birthday Bash! It was fun to dress up like we were kids again (although some of our costumes were not "kid friendly") and much to our kids dislike, have a much needed "grown up night!"

We also attended the kid's school Halloween Carnival, carved pumpkins, and dressed the kids up for the school parade!

And then there was Halloween Day! Poor Cayden ended up sick late Friday night. We thought maybe his stomach didnt agree with all the celebrating at school on Friday, followed by a night of junk food at the high school football game. But come Saturday morning, he had a pretty gnarly fever and was definitely ill. When I told him Happy Halloween his little lip started to quiver and tears ran down his cheeks, knowing he was going to miss out in the fun of the greatest kids holiday ever! He spent the entire day in my bed with a fever off and on. He was sure he had swine flu and has heard all the news hype and kept asking me "if he was going to make it?" It was so sad.

All day I hoped he would recover enough to go out tricker or treating for just a few minutes. He was happy with that plan, but every time I asked if he wanted to get dressed - he would tell me "in a little while." It was pretty sad. I told my mom we most likely wouldnt be making an appearance at their house :( Sad for broken traditions, but what more could I do to heal this poor little one. My friends changed their plans and moved "Halloween Headquarters" to our house so Aubrey and I could join in the fun. Everyone arrived, we had dinner, and were ready to go trick or treating. Last minute (the motrin must have kicked in) Cayd decided to throw on his costume and go around our neighborhood.

I called my mom to tell her Cayd was up and we would be by! Our crew carivaned to mom and dads neighborhood and to say the least "bombarded them." The kids rang the doorbell , did the trick or treat thing, and all proceded to let themselves in. It was funny - mom was trying to name them all as they walked by her . . . and soon the living room was full!

We stayed just a minute at mom and dads and then proceded to another neighborhood to make a couple more visits. We finished the night off with dessert and apple cider and a lesson in candy sorting and trading (I'm not sure where my friends grew up where they didnt learn how to do this??) Anyways. . . we had an exciting month of October . . . the Halloween decorations will be coming down as we prepare for Thanksgiving and Christmas! Hooray for the best time of the year!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Awesome Weekend despite my little OOPS!

Once again, I'm training for a marathon! I have no problem doing the shorter 60 minute runs during the week, but I dread the long weekend runs! Running more than 60 minutes gets SO boring! Its nice to have someone to talk to and help pass the time away! So, with a 16 mile run "scheduled" for last Saturday, I put out a Facebook plea last week for someone to join me. I knew my immediate friends wouldnt be interested (although I got many sweet offers to follow me in a car) but I thought maybe some random "Facebooker" could hook me up with someone?? I got an unexpected offer Thursday night from my sister who lives in Las Vegas to come and join me. I promised her a fun weekend of running (of course), soccer games, softball games and maybe even a meal or two. The plan was quickly made, and she was in town on Friday night. Before bed, we discussed our early morning Saturday run. . . she showed up with a little bit of an attitude - and I compromised to shorten our fun run to 14 miles (she was hoping for 8). I mapped our course out on the internet and at 530 Saturday morning with set out on our way.

Being SUPER busy the last couple weeks, I havent had a chance to talk much with my sisters. Our run was a great time to catch up and gab! We lost track of time and quickly approached our 7 mile turn around point - - - except I couldnt remember the street name and before we knew it - we were at what I remembered to be the 8 mile turn around point! The 8 miles back seemed just as quick (with exception of the last 2 miles and poor Shawnie's hurt knee) but overall the 3 hours went super smooth and when we later went back to clock our run with the car - we found we ran 16.5 miles! Way to go team KELLY!! haha

We had a quick, enjoyable weekend together . . . 2 soccer games, washed cars, relaxed in the spa, dinner at Souplantation, a VERY good Saturday nights sleep, breakfast at IHOP, a litte shopping, 2 softball gamers and it was time for Shawn to head back home. I love my sisters!!

So, the little OOPS in title you ask?? . . . . so I had my planner out today scheduling out my October and noticed the 16 mile run was not on the schedule for this last Saturday. . . we were only supposed to run 8!! OOPS!! The 16 miles are to be ran on the 17th - a date I have stuck in my head becasue it is going to be a busy one. I knew I saw the #16 somewhere! MY BAD!!
I'm counting on Shawna coming back :) or Mol flying in! I love my sisters!!