Cayden had an early morning soccer game, followed by a pizza party on the field, organized by muah! Followed by Aubrey's soccer game, another soccer game for Cayden, and then a drive to Encinitas for the start (and end) of Aubrey's final softball tournament, with plans to head to dinner with friends after, and then head home for some good quality sleep :)
To further complicate my jam-packed day, sometime in that morning, a work "ordeal" came up and my phone was ringing and buzzing, and ringing and buzzing for Bonnie to find a "fix." I made it through Cayd's first game, pulled off the soccer fiesta, figured out who to pawn my kids off with, and (just a wee bit crabby) headed to work, where I "oh so cheerfully" volunteered to spend my birthday on a plane to Orlando :) . . . I smile in case my boss decides to read this weeks post . . . I was rewarded for my willingness to go and was able to get my package on an airplane without me. I then rushed back (missing Aubrey's game) to pick Cayd up from my mom and get him to his 2nd soccer game. As I got in the car to leave my mom's, she turned to me and with a strange grin and said, "Have fun tonight!" Huh?? What did that mean?? . . . . I thought and thought and then LIGHTBULB . . . i had a pretty good guess and wasn't thrilled but continued on with my day! We made it through Cayd's 2nd game and headed to the coast to watch Aubrey's game. The girls played crappy from the start, it was freezing, Cayden was driving me wacko, and I was sitting by these annoying people from the other team so I suddenly found myself extremely crabby. I wont go into extreme details of the "melt-down" that next occurred but I am pretty sure my friends will think twice before mentioning pizza to me :) I LOVE them!!
We continued on to dinner and then back to Sarah's house for cake and "presents." I knew "something" was occurring at 930 but the friends did an excellent job at confusing my little head and before I knew it - I was in a car headed to Baskin Robbins for ice cream (after the cake) with a friend's husband . . . strange?? Yep, it was STRANGE! But Baskin Robbins again "sparked" the thought I had when my mom gave me the strange goodbye earlier that day. Just days earlier I was sitting eating ice cream with the same friend's husband (and other friends) when I casually mentioned Chippendales! Yeah, I'm an idiot!! . . . . . SO basically, there isn't more to explain. We returned to a dark house, where my suspicions were answered, and before I knew it - was blindfolded and "presented" a lovely fireman :) Below is the one and only decent picture to be shared. Honestly, I didn't know these events were so "hands-on/clothes off!" It was beyond crazy. My friends keep saying next time we will . . . . NOPE, NO WAY! NO NEXT TIME, PERIOD! I learned a valuable lesson. . . .next year when sitting in Baskin Robbins discussing "nevers" just days before my birthday . . . .a cruise with my best friends will slip out :) Wahoo, 30th birthday on a BIG BOAT :)