. . . Oh yes, sweet little Aubrey has a not so sweet side too :)
Last month, I made a "motherly" decision and pulled Aubrey from her softball team. While she completely understood my reasoning for why she couldn't be on the team anymore, she was devastated. Thinking quickly, I came up with this "exciting" plan to train her to be a runner, and compete in short races with me (ones with medals of course). I figured it would be something fun for us to do as a family. She was totally on board, and the plan immediately lifted her spirits. I made cute charts, convinced grandma to join us, and everything seemed great. . . ummm, that is, until the training and running aspect of the plan actually started :) GRRRR! Our training progressively leads us through series of run/walk cycles, leading up to 30 minutes of continuous running. We have basically the same ritual every day (or 5 days a week), I come home from work and chipperly announce. . . . "it's time to change into running clothes!" and my sweet little Aubrey immediately turns into the BEASTmaster :) The first two weeks we had a 6 minute walk/2 minute run cycle, repeated 5 times. We got through the first week with minor whining and complaining but when week #2 rolled around, the HOT SUN also decided to roll in to town. Not far into our run one day my Aubs turned into her crabby runner self and was purposely doing everything I was training her not to do. To say the least, she grew frustrated with my critiquing and yelled "I HATE YOU," and proceeded to spit on me. Ummm, I was a little shocked, and in my stern, mean mom voice (holding back my laughs) she got a yelling :) I believe she immediately regretted her actions, and even more so now. . . .A couple weeks have passed and not a day goes by that someone doesn't mention it. "Hey Aubs, you're not going to spit on me, right." We all laugh at her, and sometimes she laughs too. I am happy to report we are currently working on week #4 and today's run increase was fabulous. Mom and Aubrey did amazing and Pregnant Auntie Molly is here visiting and joined in the training fun :) Yeah for our new hobby. I hope one day Aubrey will admit she kind-of-sort-of likes it and I can relive my early running years through her :) The reason we have kids, right? Oh how I love them and their little mistakes too :)