I got home today from my weekend trip to Las Vegas where I ran my first half marathon with my sister Shawna. I may not have won (sorry to disappoint Sarah), but I survived and crossed the finish line, and suppose that is all that truly matters!! The overall experience was really good and am glad to have it crossed off my list . . . next up . . . the FULL marathon. Yikes!! After Sunday and crossing that finish line, I couldn’t imagine having to turn around and do the course all over again, but maybe with some hardcore training, I would live through it too?? I sure hope so.
I am new to this Marathon thing but I imagine the participants in Vegas are a little more costumed-up, than participants in any other city. The "entertainment" and people watching along our run was quite enjoyable and really helped pass the time. . . Elvises (and Elvas??woman), Fat Santas and skinny Santas, sleezy dresses, feather boas, green tutus, corners filled with peeing men?? . . . . There are definitely some crazy people in this world and I think 99% of them venture in Las Vegas. Our course even featured a run-through wedding chapel . . . Only in Vegas right??
My goal was to finish in under 2 hours (1 hour, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds would have been acceptable) . . .sadly, I missed it by just a hair . . . my final time was 2 hours, 1 minute, and 44 seconds (and my sister Shawna, who supposedly wasn’t as trained as I, finished 11 seconds before me! BLAH). I would like to believe that changing a few factors that morning would have eliminated that extra 104 seconds (waking up at 4:50AM after a sleepless night on a deflated air mattress, weaving in and out of walking participants and slow runners (20,000 people on one road makes for a crowded mess) those first couple miles, stopping to pose with my kiddos along the course, a couple too many crowded water stops, and not knowing the course - I swear the last .2 miles had 12 corners to turn- where the heck was that finish line!!) but overall, I am very happy (especially to be DONE)!!
Mom and the kids drove out with me to Shawna's house in Vegas on Saturday (we wanted some sideline cheerers) and Molly flew in to Vegas on Sunday morning after our race. The weekend was fun and fairly relaxing (with exception of the Sunday morning run)!! We bowled, ate, went to the movies, played games, hobbled in pain, and napped a lot!! It was fun to see Shawn's new house and town and spend time together.