Happy December. . . I have been promising this post and hope it helps remind everyone what's important during this magical time of year . . . . The true meaning of Christmas finally clicked for my Cayden this year and he is constantly reminding me that his favorite part of Christmas isnt the presents but spending time with our family and celebrating Jesus!! He so gets it, and I couldnt be prouder!!

This last weekend we started decorating the house and made a trip to Lowes to add something to our outdoor lighting collection. The isles were filled with singing reindeers, dancing santas, flashing trees, and giant inflatable Christmas this and Christmas that! Not interested in any of it, Cayden pulled my arm and insisted we find something with Jesus . . . We have to find Jesus mommy!! He looked and looked and came to this "lovely" 3 foot carving of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus . . . he was in awe . . . Mom, we have to get it!! This woman had been watching me and my little regilious boy and gave a little chuckle and smile as she waited to hear how I was going to get out of buying this decorative "tree trunk" (she too saw how beautiful it was).

Luckily my quick thinking was with me, and I explained that we were looking for outside decorations today, and this was clearly an inside piece (hideous I might add) that we may come back later (actually NEVER) to buy. Phew . . . the excuse worked and we left with some cute little glittery snowmen, and I didnt really give the outting a second thought.

So a few days pass and I find myself in the Christmas section of Kohls with the kids, and again, Cayden begins his quest to find Jesus! Within minutes he runs up to me and is SUPER excited with his find and pulls it from behind his back . . . can I get it mommy, pleeeease?? . . . I'll think about it honey, maybe if youre good (thats usually my answer to everything and definitely bought me some much needed time with this one). From behind his back he pulled this shiney, tacky, cheap, large . . . the right words to explain are not coming to me. . . ornament of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus! My tree is far from beautiful but I kind of have a color scheme and theme going on, and this ornament was just not going to fly. We wandered the section for a while longer, and it finally hit me. . . here my 6 year-old (wild and crazy boy) is begging for an ornament of Jesus, how can I possible deny him this (and I admit a bit fearful that we may come across a giant inflatable nativity scene, that I am unable to get out of, at the next store)?? so I give him the good news and of course he is so excited. . . SO excited that. . . .

the beautiful ornament goes crashing to the ground (I was being rewarded for my clarity on the subject)!! He gives me that puppy dog face and I assure him we will find another (totally stoked knowing that there is no way we are going to find another one in this horrible mess of ornaments) Aubrey and I offer him "classier" manger scenes, but he searches and searches and finally finds his ornaments "home," and lucky for me, there are 2 left :) YEAH!! His face is cheerful again, and late for a party, we rush to the front of the store to make our final purchase. But the story doesnt end there . . . the lines are super long and as soon as I get to the front. . . . CRASH!! Ornament #2 becomes pieces on the ground. . . . sad faced, but late for the party we purchase the other items and go on our way.
So in an attempt to make a long story short . . . .yesterday we return to Kohls (knowing for sure that last ornament would still be there - who else would possible want it). . .I detoured Cayden to the bathroom and Aubrey found ornament #3, hid it in our cart . . . Cayden was sad when he saw the last one is gone. . . . I paid and we were on our way (yes, without the ornament crashing to the ground)! We got home and I really, really, really wanted to give it to him but this year I began doing the 24 days of Christmas for my kids and knew this would make an excellent present (especially following a morning of decorative tissues that were definitley not a hit on day #3) so had to wait til this morning to see his face (needless to say he LOVED it and was so surprised)!! Thanks Cayden for helping me remember what Christmas is all about :)
What a sweet boy Cayden is.
Awesome story Bonnie!
What a great story! I love the picture of him hugging the ornament. Now hopefully it won't be broken. I like your blog and reading about whats going on in your life. It is easier than phone calls, which I don't like to do. Have a great holiday Bonnie. Oh and you have a cute puppy. LOve ya Debi
A few years ago I decided that I wanted to change my decoration focus and I bought a large nativity scene to display every year next to the tree. I have probably about 12 or 13 nativity scenes...but this one is large. Most of the pieces are about 8" high. There is a manger and I like it. The kids like it, too. So I have a skinny tree that I decorate with family type decorations, lights, and a star on top and the nativity scene sets right next to it. I bought the Nativiy set right after Christmas- it was way less expensive. Maybe you can request it from your mom for your family present next year. You need to nurture that spark in Cayden. He is a cute boy. Thanks for sharing the story. Love, Aunt Gail
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