Saturday, June 13, 2009

Maybe I will be a Sushi Chef . . . No will power required!!

I have always had a passion for planning parties. I love thinking of a theme, making the perfect invitation, planning the menu, decorating, activities, party favors, etc. When my sister got married a couple of years ago, it occured to us that our family could start a one stop wedding planning company. Amongst the Kelly sisters - we can cover organizing, invites, flowers&decor, and hair & make-up! Our one missing piece was a cake maker. I have always loved baking - so it was kind of a given that I would be the one to learn to make wedding cakes. Shortly after her wedding, I got out of school (after 9 years) with a teaching credential and it quickly became a joke that I would again be enrolling in the fall to get my pastry chef degree. Time has passed and my sisters and I realize pleasing "bridezillas" isnt truely our passion, but my dream to make fancy cakes has stuck in my mind.

After making our best attempt to make our kiddos birthday cakes (see picts below) in May, my friend Jessica asked if I would enroll in the Michaels cake decorating classes with her. My friend Audra took the series of classes, and her cakes turned out amazing so I figured I would give it a shot - no harm in a little cake decorating instruction - or is there???

At class #1 we got a demo, learned some tricks, were given some recipes, and were sent on our way that night to buy a crap load of supplies and return the following week with a frosted cake in hand and a bowl full of decorating frosting. WOW, what a week!! My life became revolved around cakes and frosting! Making frosting, sampling frosting, coloring frosting, baking cakes, trying out recipes, licking cake batter dishes. I consumed more sugar that week than I think I have all year (okay so maybe a little stretch, but it was pretty bad)! So, in the safety of my health and my waistline, I have decided that these first four classes will be the end of my cake decorating journey. I cant imagine you would recognize me at the end of 20 straight weeks of frosting galore!!

Below are the pictures from class #2 . . . we had tons and tons of fun (our friend Leah is taking the classes with us too), BUT this is as fancy as my cake career will get :)


Bryan and Molly said...

Wow - your whale is just so totally cute! I am so sad you wont be taking the rest of the courses - will they cover fondant in the first series? You have to atleast get one of those classes in. Good job Bonnie!

Audra said...

The trick to surviving the 4 months of cake decorating is to give away all your cakes and not eat any:) I can teach you fondant so your sister will be happy:)

weplusthree said...

You are so cute. I was pretty impressed at your cake decorating abilities without any classes! I think 4 should suffice for your needs, sorry you probably won't qualify to make a living off wedding cakes though. You'll have to let me know if you found any good recipes, kinda over the boxed cake mixes.

Shawna said...

I LOVE the whale cake! Cant wait for my next birthday trip home-- this year I am expecting a CUTE homemade cake from YOU! YES!!

Lewko Family Blog said...

So cute. I wish I could see them bigger! Or in person... and I might just need to taste the. :-) Great job!

Debi said...

good job Bonnie, check out the blog on my blog called the good apple. She makes cakes and cookies for a living and they are so amazing. I could see you doing it. Anything you put your mind to I am sure you would be great. But of course there is always the waistline thing....I would have a terrible time with that too if I took up anything having to do with food. See you soon..end of June-July 5 we will be there! Debi