Being SUPER busy the last couple weeks, I havent had a chance to talk much with my sisters. Our run was a great time to catch up and gab! We lost track of time and quickly approached our 7 mile turn around point - - - except I couldnt remember the street name and before we knew it - we were at what I remembered to be the 8 mile turn around point! The 8 miles back seemed just as quick (with exception of the last 2 miles and poor Shawnie's hurt knee) but overall the 3 hours went super smooth and when we later went back to clock our run with the car - we found we ran 16.5 miles! Way to go team KELLY!! haha
We had a quick, enjoyable weekend together . . . 2 soccer games, washed cars, relaxed in the spa, dinner at Souplantation, a VERY good Saturday nights sleep, breakfast at IHOP, a litte shopping, 2 softball gamers and it was time for Shawn to head back home. I love my sisters!!
So, the little OOPS in title you ask?? . . . . so I had my planner out today scheduling out my October and noticed the 16 mile run was not on the schedule for this last Saturday. . . we were only supposed to run 8!! OOPS!! The 16 miles are to be ran on the 17th - a date I have stuck in my head becasue it is going to be a busy one. I knew I saw the #16 somewhere! MY BAD!!
I'm counting on Shawna coming back :) or Mol flying in! I love my sisters!!
I kept meaning to ask why you guys were running 16 - but I kept forgetting to ask! ha ha! I am super impressed though - I need a running buddy too! Maybe I shall fly in for the next long run - but maybe with more than a days notice!
I was obviously not watching the schedule too closely either! Glad you got me out there though! :)
16 miles is impressive! You were only asking me to do 10. That is nice that Shawna was able to fly in last minute.
I still don't know how you can do so much in one weekend. And then jump right into another busy week. You're amazing.
You truly are super blessed with the best sisters ever! Although I so wouldve followed you in the car if you needed me to! <3 Hugs to the Marathon Runner.. (who counts calories! Blah!)
This is a bit late, but have you tried It's great! I use it to map all of my runs. It maps your route, you enter your time, it calculates calories, ave time, elevation, etc. The mapping system is a bit tricky at first, but once you get used to it, it is a valuable tool to track training! You can even add weight training and treadmill workouts. They should pay me for this pitch ... =)
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