Monday, February 16, 2009

I dont get it??

Okay, so the fattest man in the world got married, and Bonnie can't even get a boyfriend! Not that I have anything against 1200 pound men, but come-on, the guy eats, sleeps, baths, and urinates in the same bed!! How in the world did he find a wife from his bed?? I am SO upping my Oreo intake tonight!!! Congratulations for finding that special lady "FatMan!!"


Mrs. Gamgee said...

I totally concur! And how did he rate an hour long show?

Jaycee and Jayden's Mama and Dada said...

This is the funnies post I have read in forever. And I totally agree! Nice world we live in. . . and don't eat too many twinkies. You want to be able to sit in a car when you do get a boyfriend! And that's just too much fabric for a wedding dress. Doesn't this guy know white makes you look larger!! :)

Wyndi said...

hahahaha! You are too funny.