Its inevitable . . . life is full of disappointments, events and situations that make us sad . . .
. . . Watching Aubrey's softball team lose game after game! Maybe I did like the winning stress better than this crappy losing!
. . . I havent run in 3 weeks, and just downloaded an application to be the next contestant on the Biggest Loser (okay, so not quite that bad but its getting there)!
. . . Decorating for Easter and realizing the framed picture of me and the old best friend, the one who called and decided over voicemail that we were no longer best friends, and hasnt called to explain since (yeah, that one!), is still up and needs to be replaced! (which by the way, totally hurt my feelings. Glad I meant that much to you :) Hope your perfect life circumstances never makes you so busy - your new best friend cant deal and ditches out on you! (wow, guess I have some built up emotion)
. . . Attempting to explain to my Cayden (in a smart way) that some people, his dad being one of them, are idiots and he ditched out on knowing an amazing boy.
. . . Busted at school for giving the kids candy. . . it wasnt even very much - seriously what parents call and tattle on a teacher for that??
. . . Driving by the Amber Dubois banners and posters everyday and knowing her parents are helpless and empty without her!
. . . seeing that loser old boyfriend with his new girlfriend and cute little made family :BLAH:
We all have these days and honestly, despite it all I had a pretty chipper and cheerful day! Especially when I got out of the shower tonight and found my kids (30 mins past their bed time) curled up in my bed reading. It was adorable and made me smile :) My kids LOVE to read and it makes me so proud! How can I possible dwell on all that sad??
I love you Bonnie Kelly! I hope you know that lots of people love you, especially your kids! They are great! Love Debi
Cheer up Bonnie. The world is a sad place when you are sad. We all still love you even though you are always so busy and we never see you. Everyone is just busy that is life. Have a better day today!
Thanks friends (and family too) . . . guess I didnt make it super clear , despite all the things we can point out in our life - I am just fine! You alwaus have to look past all that glum! I have had a stupendous week and will keep on smilin :) Love you all!
Hey Bonnie, Thought I would let you know that we are planning to come there to see Jody and all the family! Yeah! We will be there sometime in July. See you then! Debi
Wow, Bonnie. I would love to know all the details of what you were talking about in this blog. I got the whole picture about your kids. They are so perfect for such not perfect are a lucky girl even if some things have gone sour. Maybe you should consider writing a book- make it fiction of course, but using your own stories- someone should profit from all that mess and since it happened to you, you might as well be the one to cash in. So start recording all these events and save them for a time when you need millions and then you can laugh all the way to the bank. You deserve it and so do those idiot perpitrators!!!! I love you, girl, and I love those darling babies of yours. Take care. Love, Aunt Gail
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