On Friday, Aubrey received the Super Bronco award at school, and the same day report cards came home . . . surprise surprise. . . Aubrey is a stunning student! She does so so very well in school and is the student any teacher would be happy to have a class full of! She makes school look so easy! She makes me proud, and I am pretty dang lucky she is mine!

This last week Cayden got in a fight with a teatherball at school and received the most adorable injury ever. . . that 2nd tooth fell out, making momma quite happy. Yeah yeah, I am his mom and maybe a wee bit bias, but that toothless smile melts my heart!

Then I messed up. . . On the way home from school, I was cleaning out the car at the gas station, and accidently threw the ziplock baggie with the tooth away. We had a difficult evening trying to figure out how to "prove" to the toothfairy that Cayden truely lost another tooth that day. I finally convinced him to write her a letter and I would sign it! We then had to take a picture of the toothless kid! The camera and note then went under the pillow (making for a bumpy sleeping night) and I somehow convinced him that the toothfairy senses the hole in the mouth and not just the tooth under the pillow! Luckily, she made her appearance and left him $5 bucks! Thanks toothfairy for not getting poor mom busted!!

Last night we went to Art Night at the kids school and had lots and lots of fun learning new crafts! Everyone know, Bonnie and crafts equal smiles!! haha! The night also featured an auction of art items created by each class. This year Cayden's class created a tie die quilt and Aubrey's class created a decorative stained glass piece. Cayden was addament we win the quilt. He babysat the silent auction sheet all night and upped the bid everytime we were outbid! Luckliy, there were not tons of kids from his class present, and we were able to pull off the win. He is so so proud of this quilt and is currently asleep and wrapped up in it! Good job teachers for the great projects!

This week Cayden also attended his first "non-family friend girls birthday party!" He was stoked it was the type of party where I dropped him off and picked him up at the end! I had many many funny laughs for the week preceeding the party. I learned all about "little Nataly" through Cayden's "boy" eyes. He couldnt believe she was having a "girl" party (pink, fairy invitations) when she is "barely a girl. . . you know mom - one of those girls who is like a boy!" I had to convince him to buy her a present from Justice (the store for girls) where he found the only, no sparkle, no pink shirt that the store had. It was so funny how perfect his gift had to be. He also INSISTED getting her and him matching friendship braclets - too cute! So I was totally blown away when I showed up to Nataly's party and met this little girl in the most adorable pink party dress, ruffle socks, satin white shoes, and cute little hair bows! She was adorable!! Just goes to prove . . . boys are too funny and clueless from the start!!