I LOVE him . . . he is ambitious, determined, driven, a go-getter (hmmm, do all those things mean the same thing?) and someday will be rich and rule the world (or so he hopes), he is adorable and trouble all in the same moment. He has a special seat in the principal's office, but totally makes his teacher smile. He is loving, passionate, and doesnt care what anyone thinks of him, but randomly decides to be shy . . . AND he says the FUNNIEST things ever. If I wrote them all down - I think I could write a best seller. . . . the kid melts my heart completely :)

Anyways, my dad has been ever so anxiously waiting for me to post this one, so here is my "Cayden" story of the week . . . a couple of weeks ago Cayd was watching tv and randomly decided to make his birthday list (his birthday is in August . . .ummm, this was March) I didnt pay much attention to him, but he sat and wrote this list ALL night. When I told him to get ready for bed he placed the list on my computer desk and announced he was finished. I could lie and say I was busy blogging, but since proof in in my lack of posts, I will be honest and admit I was facebook stalking :) I pushed the list aside and didnt even give it a glance. The next night, Aubrey was at the computer and asked me if I read his list. . . . "you have to read it mom, my brother is weird." Again, I forgot. A couple nights later I came across it while cleaning up a stack of papers. It took me a minute to figure out what it was, and another minute to decipher Cayden's LONG, misspelled birthday list . . . "ummm, Aubrey . . .your brother is definitely weird!!"

So amongst the normal things a 7 year old boy would ask for . . . a new paintball gun, army googles, nerf gun, speakers for his guitar, a drill . . . .here are Cayden's simple birthday requests ( I of course already posted on facebook and conned many of my friends into taking care of his "desires," but wanted to share my kid with the rest of the cyber world)
Cayden would also like the following. . . A tshirt gun (also a Christmas request that was not fullfilled, although he did receive the plunger from that list, . . . he would like to be the official Cougar tshirt shooter at the hs football games), a pig, a big fat cowboy belt, a mustache, another house built in our backyard, a brick of surfboard wax, a moon rock, to be the middle child, a secretary, a long stick, and 3 boxes of snow!!
I have no clue where he came from . . . but he keeps me LAUGHING for sure!
Thanks! I love you guys!
That is awesome! I missed the Facebook one and so I am glad I caught this!!!
yay for a new post! I am glad my mocking may have played a part in that :)
Yes, your son is unusual... but I really like that about him. We might get snow this week or in the next few weeks. I am coming there at the end of May. If we get a snow storm between now and then, I will supply the 3 boxes of snow. Our neighbor used to have a pet pig. I think Terry might have a big fat cowboy belt buckle. I will look for it and if I can find it, I will bring that, too. Maybe your kid should have really been born in Idaho. Love, Aunt Gail
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