So tomorrow will begin a string of 26 (hopefully, but not likely) continuous post! I figured before I jump into THAT I should write a welcome back blog :) attempting to recap life is impossible but maybe a couple blurbs would suffice. . .
So I turned 23 again this month and got to spend a long weekend in Catalina with some friends. The weekend adventure was planned far in advance and when i told people, they always responded with something like " oh fun, but what are you going to do there for 3 days?" . . . Ummm HELLO, no kids . . . 3 days . . . .HEAVEN! (haha, no offense little loves)!! So the day of departure came, we loaded the ferry (some of us got sick), arrived on the beautiful little island and pretty much immediately asked, "What the heck are we going to do here for 3 days??" We did eventually figure it out and had a BLAST!! Relaxing ,eating, walking, golf carting, bike riding, exploring, celebrity (or so he thought) stalking, shopping, para sailing, a morning at the spa, tv watching, ummmm even sleeping :) It was pretty great and a lovely way to celebrate!

Much to my liking, Aubrey has made an excellent transistion into middle school. Just this last week she was named the 6th grade student of the month. It took them 3 short months to realize my Aubrey is a superstar :) She will be honored at a breakfast in a couple of weeks. We are super proud of the choices she has made and sets such a good example for her little brother.

AND whats a blog without a quick story about our family comedian CAYDEN . . . so the other day we went to the new In -N-Out for lunch. The place was packed and like most In-N-Out experiences go , I sent the kids to scout tables while we ordered and filled drinks. The kids found 2 empty "bar style" seats next to 2 "hopefully soon to be empty" spots. I was watching the kiddos from afar waiting for our number to be called when I see Cayden reach over and grab a french fry from the now empty seat besides him. At that very moment Shawna kind of turned around and was like, is Cayd eating french fries?? It took me a second to get through the crowd and stop my kid from continuing his appetizer . . . ."CAYDEN!! what are you doing?? Those people are still here!!" His face is immediately shocked and he chucks the fry to the ground. "Oh, I thought they left" Okay kid, whether they left or not - we DO NOT eat strangers leftovers. "They looked normal and I'm hungry!!" This guy at a neighboring table totally watched the 30 second ordeal and was cracking up as he shared it with his friend - giving my little food snatcher thumbs up on their way out. He drives me BONKERS!!
. . . okay, just one more. . . . we recently flew off to throw my adorable pregnant sister a baby shower. Our trip to Indiana was quick and sleepless but we were honored to throw her a shower, meet her friends, play with the triplets she watches, and help set up baby Brooklyn's nursery :) We cant wait til the baby arrives and Molly practically moves back home ooops, I mean visits a lot :)