GIANT Donut for Breakfast
. . . this actually comes with a story
So this am i told the kids we had to leave 10 minutes early so we could stop and get donuts before school. In the end, Aubs decided she didnt want one, and between the announcement and the the 3 minutes it took Cayd to get dressed, he forgot and made himself oatmeal for breakfast (probably a better choice anyways) and thus decided to trade in his morning donut for an after school slurpee- deal! So I dropped the kids off, and stopped at 711 to get gas, which is strangely also my favorite "donut shop." 7:30 am and the kind I like where already gone :( So, I decided to hit up a real donut shop and pick up a dozen for the office. . . . I quickly came to a conclusion. . . Friday is a horrible day to buy donuts. . . .the donut shop had 3 unfrosted, dry looking cake donuts and 2 giant chocolate covered glazed things - guess I wont be getting donuts for the entire office! I grabbed the 2 chocolate things and left (leaving the gross looking cake things) and the woman locked and closed the store behind me. It wasnt even freakin 8 am!! I was stunned. I guess thats a good thing I didnt know donuts are a SUPER early morning thing. Anyways. . . I had a giant chocolate donut for breakfast and gave the other one to a favorite coworker friend :)
Lunch day with my middle schooler makes me smile :) . . .Deli Sandwich & a handful of Doritos
Picked Cayd up from school and got him that promised slurpee . . . .SCORE, Dr. Pepper slurpee fits today perfectly and grrrrr, this 711 has my favorite donut in stock . . . . add Dr. Pepper slurpee AND donut #2 to the consumption list :(
Aubs went to a friends for the night, leaving me and Cayd for dinner. . . our options a Double-Double from in-n-Out or a Del Classic burrito from Del Taco . . . Cayd chose In-n-out and therefore, I consumed my first (and last) double double!
ummm, mom . . . you forgot to order me a shake! Ay yi yi child, youre killing me . . .Dairy Queen Dip Cones topped off our night. There you have it, the entire list! Please, please, please do not add up the calories.
Eeeeek, I think E might be a fasting day :)
Your posts are cracking me up! I just love it! I thought of you today when I was Albertsons and I bought Beer, Beets, and Blueberry soda (all Chet's favorites) funny! Keep it up!
You know this diet may kill you with calories, but I am having a great laugh which is very good for my waistline! Also I get to do it everyday! I love it. Can't wait to see what E has in store for you. Love Debi
You are nuts
Sometimes fast Sundays come in handy. I loved those dipped cones. I haven't had one of those in years. I love the glazed cake doughnuts. I love the chocolate cake doughnuts the best I think. But I hardly ever get those either. Deli sandwick and doritos- that sounds good, too. I think you are eating high on the hog with this diet. You should be good idea getter by the time you get to "Q" which I think will be your first really challenging letter before the final 5 or 6 letterw which promise to be challenging. Love, Aunt Gail
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