Even if I stocked food in my house on a regular basis, E was a hard grab and run letter . . .We rushed out of the door (empty handed) this am to pick up sissy and some friends and head over to a local retirement community to carol with a bunch of church kids. I was starving when we made it home at 11 and shared the last 3 eggs in the house with my Cayden. We then spent the afternoon at Chuck E Cheese with some friends. I intended on stopping at the store and picking something snacky up but we were running late so I arrived at the pizza joint empty handed :( The only option in the salad bar . . . eggs, and those weird mini ears of corn (which I dont like, and didnt eat, but put on the plate for the pict haha) . . .
scrambled EGGS for breakfast
dice, hard boiled EGGS for lunch
Dinner time rolled around, and with enchiladas on the mind, we ended up at one of our favorite mexican joints. The especial of the day. . . ensalada . . . .so most places would simple refer to this as SALAD, but being in a Mexican restaraunte - Ensalada de pollo does the trick :) and 2 cheese enchiladas please haha! The enchiladas were muy delicioso and the salad looked good but the dressing was YUCK and thus ruined the ensalada! Oh well! We ended our night with eggnog milkshakes. Now I am not a fan of eggnog but add it to ice cream and is is divine :)
Excitement fills me as E day comes to an END
Yeah I am glad that mexican restaurant helped you out. I was worried you would have more eggs for dinner. Nice job. Great minds think alike since Shawna had enchiladas as well. This is the best posting idea. I am loving reading everyday. Keep it up. Debi
Thank heavens for ice cream. A person can find almost any letter to have a flavor of some sort attached to it to get ice cream a part of your daily diet. Empty handed was a funny piece of business for you today... Don't you get crazy from those supposedly "relaxing" weekends which seriously wear you out? Love, Aunt Gail
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