Cayden has managed to keep himself out of school trouble for quite some time . . . could have something to do with the fact he has been on Summer break for 2 months, but we will ignore that :) As many might know, he has a little history with detentions and minor principal office visits (nothing big deal, just the basic too-much-energy-for-school-boy-stuff) Dropping him off the first day I dangle a little bribe. 100 bucks if you dont get detention ALL year. I'm smarter than I sound, and know the feat is impossible! I knew I would keep my 100 bucks in June, but was hoping it buys me a month or 2 of good school reports.
Yeah, keep hoping mom! . . .
So I pick him up (day#5 back) and we always go through the same daily check in routine . . . have a good day? Yep. Learn anything new? Nope. Among those questions falls. . . . Detention today? "ummm, let me think, let me think . . . . NOPE!" (although i see his mind still thinking) . . . Oh yeah! I did, BUT . . . (there is always a BUT with Cayden when discussing the trouble he gets in) . . . he proceeds to tell me the incident. Something about a fire drill (It wasnt even a real fire mom!) and playing catch with a ding dong with a friend in a different class, while they were in their uniformed quite emergency lines. "The fire drill was SO boring!!" So he gets done telling his totally unfair detention story and kind of hangs his head in shame and says. . . " I was trying so hard to not get detention (and in his best auction-announcing voice, repeats his teachers words "Congratualtions Cayden, you got the first detention of the year!"
There must be some reward for that right?? It was hot, he was sad . . . the kid got a slurpee :)
Wow, so proud. Way to reward that detention Bon :-)
cayden is a nut - and you are a sucker! better luck next year - to the both of you!
I read this joke in our "Threads Of Gold"...it is a monthly Relief Society newspaper for our ward... it oges like this..."Summer vacation was over and Little Johnny returned to school. Only two days later his teacher phoned his mother to tell her that he was misbehaving. 'Wait a minute' said the mother, ' I had Johnny with me for three months and I never called you once when he misbehaved.'" Another... Little Johnny wasn't getting good marks in school. One day he surprised the teacher with an announcement. He tapped her on the shoulder and said, "I don't want to scare you, but my daddy says if I don't start getting better grades, somebody is going to get a spanking!" Love, Aunt Gail
haha, very good aunt gail :) Next summer I am totally calling his teachers!
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