Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lissa's Public Comment

For some reason I wasnt able to comment directly on Lissas post so this seemed like the next easiest option. . . .Congrats on wedding descisions - we all know how decisive our little Lissa can be - glad you were able to choose so quickly!! We are excited for your big day and will be sure to mark the calendar!! I took the virtual tour of your wedding location and it looks beautiful - its very familiar, and I am sure I have been there for a wedding before?? Who Knows!! Let me know if I can do anything for ya - like book a florists, hairstylist, or help with the invites :)

1 comment:

Lissa said...

Thanks!!! Yeah I was proud that I was able to decide quickly helped having my mom, dad, and Jo looking at places and giving me feedback...also there was a bridal show in San Diego on Saturday and they warned us that after that they booked up really all is good. I will let you know if I need any help...oh there is one thing, I need your parents address (I blanked on the house number but I remember the rest)--I am geting ahold on the guest list at the to you later...I feel honored with your public comment to me :0) I LOVE the picture too!!! I have it as my background at work :0)