My little Monster turned 7!! I'm still in shock and feel my baby grew up in a snap, but I am very much enjoying this big kid stage in life. He is a wild and crazy kid, full of energy and ideas. I love him more and more each day!!
So the PARTY you ask??
I had this "brilliant" idea to celebrate with a backyard birthday campout at grandma and grandpa's house. I would love to tell you I stopped with just "the idea" and took my Cayden to Disneyland, but I didnt. I planned and executed this party . . . .and next year we will be going to Disneyland :)
Boys are SO SO different than girls. I was lucky to have the help of my parents and a couple close friends - without them, I would not have survived the 17 LONG hours with 8 young boys and 3 preteen girls :) I was in over my head from the start, but Cayden had fun (or at least we think??) and I lived to learn NEVER again - So I suppose we call that success!!

Highlights included pillowcase decorating, a hike at Dixon Lake, swimming in the Kelly Lake, Campfire with mallows, bug ice cream cake, and BEDTIME (wahoo) in tents :)

The following morning we loaded the tents in the car and headed to a "Farewell to Summer Campout" with friends. I was beyond tired and not thrilled about night #2 in a tent but it turned out to be an AMAZING trip!! We ended up with 6 families and some stragglers and had lots of fun hanging out for the day! This was Cayden's actual birthday, so again we celebrated with cake and presents from mommy! He was SHOCKED and ESTATIC to receive the paintball gun he has been saving up for months to buy. He cant wait for his first "battle" but got to spend the next morning after campling shooting rocks at the campground! The kid is in heaven!!