Yes, just yesterday it was this "brilliant" child who managed to drive me to near insanity with his less than genius maneuvers, maybe his brain was on hiatus?? We ended up at a local store to pick out some new sunglasses, glasses he managed to lose in an empty church room?? Guess that’s not dumb . . .. maybe magical?? Anyways we arrive at the store, I park, and my little puppy of a kid immediately sticks his head out the window and I nearly chop it off rolling up the windows. "Ummm. . . .get that dang head of yours in the car my love." GRRRR. . . . So again, we are at this store and Cayd and I run in to use the bathroom before filling our cart and heading to the checkout line. Jump scene to that awkward moment where the items are all rung up and bagged and I'm franticly searching for my ATM card. . . we got gas on the way to the store and I could have sworn I put it in my back pocket??? I give up and pull out one of those evil credit cards and hope its one that’s still good :) haha, yeah, thats a whole different blog! So we succeed, get to the car, and head to our next destination. I am driving, and Aubrey is throwing everything out of my purse searching for this card. I get a little flustered and am talking to her not so nicely . . . . she’s in tears, I am mad, and the little puppy in the backseat is completely clueless, and simply along for the ride. We get to 711 and I announce – they are luck I have a couple bucks, and can still get them slurpees (as promised before this whole mess) At this point my "genius” son looks at me and says, “youre looking for your ATM card? . . . and simply states . . . you dropped it on the bathroom floor at target." ummm, serious?? Could you have not mentioned it 30 minutes ago. . . when we were actually in the bathroom??? Guess you can say, I was less than happy and maybe a tad LIVID :) haha, I can say it with a smile now. Where did this kid come from? Completely clueless of the commotion that has been occurring?? At one point I had even turned to him and totally blamed him . . . he is notorious for losing things (hence the trip to the store in the first place) "Ummm, I thought you would pick it up!" Of course, the card was not still on the bathroom floor when we returned once again to the store, nor had anyone turned it in to guests services. But luckily, canceling the card was super easy and my child got a lesson in identity theft :) He loves learning things. . . .but usually takes the hard way!
Oh brilliant one . . .. good luck in the GATE program :)
HA HA what a goof! I love it! Glad the card was easy to cancel - but now you will have to use that pesky credit card a few more days until a replacement card is mailed to you :)
Haha. . . wow, what a crazy kid you have. Gotta love him :)
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