Ummm . . . totally forgot tonights post, yikes . . . but sadly wont take long to tell you todays menu.

I was running a bit late this am and my lovely sister, whom I love dearly - and who also happens to be my competition lol, text me the words Jamba Juice! One of my old time favorites. I stopped on the way to work and got both breakfast and lunch. On the way home from work, I walked the aisles of Target and came out with only Jif Penut Butter ( I, myself thought it pretty creative lol). Finally made it home around 730 (after a later stop for bread) and consumed a "Jif and Jelly Sandwich" for dinner AKA PB&J - all about the creativity, right! My mind is already asleep, and my contacts are out, so I am leaving the lame last sentence to your choosing tonight :)
good job. debi
Jif peannut butter- what a genius- because peanut butter and jelly sandwiches will hold you for a long time. A Jamba juice diet might be nice to try next time. I love those jamba juice type things, too. Good job.. Love, Aunt Gail
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