Friday, December 10, 2010

K . . . Kellogs special K

The End :BLAH:

. . . REVISE THAT . . . .

So this evening I was headed to a friends house for pizza, movie, and gossip night, and with no intentions of eating, finished my post before I left. Between my busy, hectic day (Aubrey's Student of the month assembly, a little work, and a marble painting art lesson with 25 eight-year-olds) and my nervous induced upset stomach, I downed a bowl of Kellogs Special K cereal sometime midmorning.

When first invited to the friends, the text went something like this . . . .
Friend: Pizza and Salad okay??
Me: (I quickly did the alphabet thing in my head and counted up the days. . . . K - dang!) Ummm, kind of on this weird diet, I will bring myself something to eat.
Friend: Oh no worries, I'm up for something different - what can you eat
Me: ummmm . . . .anything that starts with the letter K lol
Friend: ummm. . . . okay, pizza and salad it is :)

So I intended on grabbing something on the way but a few random things have been bothering me and havent really been hungry. So jump ahead to the dinner party of our fun night. . . . I emphasized I was fine, and sat around the table with everyone. I had semi-explained the whole diet thing and our "justification" rules, and after a sudden creative idea from an awesome, and creative friend, I found a piece of pizza, carved into the letter K infront of me :) How could I possibly fight with that?

Dessert was suggested in a similar manner, and although I declined, we thought it would be fun to create! The kids thought it was beyond cool. Looks like 2 mommas need to get out more often :)


Debi said...

Nice! I think to survive and not starve to death you need to be a little inventive sometimes. I would probably so that everyday. Maybe you can start finding names for things in different languages that start with certain letters. Aahhh too much work! Love Debi

Terry and Gail said...

Debi's suggestion for finding names of things in other languages is a really good idea. I would look into French. They would take the simple bohemian food we eat and give it an elegant name- so you could still eat like a human being. and your friend is darling with her creative foods and you don't need to get out more. You just need to realize how much fun simple life adjustments are- like cutting a pizza into a "K". You could have eaten the parts left out of the "K"; just call it "K" leftovers. Love, Aunt Gail