Natures Valley granola bar
Nacho Cheese Doritos
Followed by a pretty satisfying lunch. . . :)
On Mondays I pick Cayd up after school and bring him to work with me for a couple hours and each Monday I stop and get him a Mcflurry from McDonlds (shhhh, dont tell Aubs). On this particular day, we opted for a Neapolitian Milkshake from In-N-Out (so I could have a few sips of course)
In the evening, we celebrated dads birthday (a few days early) Fillipis Pizza was on the menu (and by the way . . . he is the greatest dad) so we added Albertos super NACHOS to the table - delish!!

Now when we started this challenge, now 14 days ago, I did an initial weigh in. Happy to report 8 pounds have indeed been shed. I have been carrying 10 pounds that I knew should be easy to lose - so the test is to see if the final 12 come off just as easily - kind of looking forward to seeing how this whole challenge pans out!
really? you lost weight on this crazy diet? must have been the day you ate a stick of cheese for lunch - Ha ha!!
Are you kidding! You have really lost weight. This may be the only diet I ever do try. Ha ha! Love Debi
I can't believe you have lost weight, although, I will admit that I always loose three or four pounds before Christmas. I am working so hard to do my regular stuff and all the other stuff that has to get done, that I don't have much time for eating or for relaxing after I eat- so I loose weight. But often the drear of post christmas time reclaims those few lost pounds within a month. It didn't two years ago, though, when I went to Debi's on Dec. 29th to help with her baby coming and then the next month to Jody's to help with her baby. But you still think you need to loose 12 more pounds? We are never satisfied, are we? I always have between 5 and 8 pounds I would love to loose. I will loose three or four and then get them back- up and down and up and down. Annoying!!! Love, Aunt Gail
Serious? I'm probably twice as big now as before! Ok . .. not really. . . but there have been few days that I haven't found something to eat. I need to diet because of this diet. . agh!
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