We had a Christmas Party weekend filled with family, friends and lots of food options :)With a little pre party planning, we were able to partake in some festive celebrating!!

Friday was R day . . .
RRaisin Bagel and Rainbow chip cookies during my really, super lousy work day
I was kept in good spirits knowing I got to spend my evening with some fabulous friends.
After a somewhat Long and traffic-filled drive up north (and some appetizers on the road) we made it and had a lovely time. My friends are the best and all came with me in mind - they boys even claimed they were drinking some sort of R beer in my honor - I think they may have been lying but I'll take it anyways :)
Dinner was fabulous (although I missed out on Kristen's Enchiladas)! Restaurant Style Tortilla chips with Refried Bean Dip (aka 7 layer dip), Romaine lettuce Salad - mexican style with mangos/black beans/tomatoes/cheese/cilantro dressing, Rice, and topped off the day with a Red sugar cookie (yes, a stretch I know) and a rainbow chip brownie :)
Muchos Gracias Amigos

Saturday was S day . . .
my morning and early afternoon was 100% sugar cookie galore . . . In case youre not aware, I make the bestest sugar cookies and have missed the last couple of batches during this holiday season. Yup, ringing my bell again lol
We then again headed to a Christmas Celebration with our extended family. We had a lovely time and I luckily was able to partake in much of the dinner. . . . If you would like Shawna's bitter take on my Christmas party experience - head on over to her blog :) lol Love you Shawna!!

Christmas Party Dinner. . .
Salad, SMELLY Swiss Cheese (YUCK), Smashed Spuds, Sandwich of cracker and cheese, Stuffing, Shammrock Santa Kelly Green mudpie . . . yeah, yeah, shutup :) After the party we headed out for the famous "last saturday before Christmas shopping experience." It was amazing :) While shopping, we stumbled across the food court, and for the last 19 days, my heart has been dreaming of Sweet Fire Chicken from Panda Express . . .with intentions of just having a "snack," I suddenly found my plate quite full (who knew so many of my favorite panda items start with "S")
Dinner #2 was served . . .
Streamed rice, String bean chicken, and my FAVORITE, Sweet fire chicken
Overall Saturday was an extremely SPLENDID day

Today was T day . . .

It rained all day today but was a good family day. We went to church, played some games (which I of course won haha), and got to attend a special caroling activity for a family friend struggling with her fight with cancer. Although sad, it was a pretty amazing experience. Picture the movie Pay It Forward. Hundreds of friends, gathered in the rain, in her front yard to sing Christmas Carols. One, it makes me feel so lucky to have the health and happiness of my family during this holiday time and lucky to be welcoming a new baby into our family within the next couple of days and two, what an example! Rita is obviously a special personal and an example of one who have touched many. I hope to leave an impact on all those I come across.

sappy, sappy. . . back to the eating aspect of this blog :) For breakfast/lunch/snack: Taco, Tostada, Toffee, and Toast
For dinner, mom and dad cooked a T friendly Sunday dinner (they may totally make fun of us, but they are also very supportive lol) . . . teriaki chicken, tater tots, and texas toast
tata til tomorrow . . . the end is near phew!!